Here is Rebi and I in Lucerne :)

Here I am with Ben, Rebi, and Tyler in Bern. Bern is the capitol of Switzerland, not Zurich.

Here's me and Rebi on top of Rigi mountain - it's like a dream land that is so's insanse. Those are the Alps in the background.

My trip was so fun. And so tiring. Not gonna lie - I'm glad to be home. But it won't be my last time in Europe. I'm so grateful for Rebekka and everything she did for me! Translating, feeding, planning, doing my laundry. I couldn't have asked for a better friend/tourguide :)
We ended up seeing Northern Italy - Milano, France - Paris, all over Switzerland, and Southern Germany- Kaiserslautern (where my Uncle Mark lives). We did SO much! And we didn't even get to do all that we wanted, even in a whole month! It was so fun.