This month has had lots of changes - I moved home! I started nursing school! I moved home!
Living back at home has it's advantages...and disadvantages. I love putting all my money in savings for my trip to Thailand next summer. But I hate not having any friends!
Suddenly not having friends down the hall or across the street is depressing! I loved my Provo bubble with everything you could ever need, my job, my school, social activities everywhere. With a river and a lake and mountains to hike!
But life moves on. And now I'm going to Salt Lake Community College. Today I decided that I definitely like BYU more than SLCC, but SLCC's not too bad.
Happiness is a choice! And I choose to be happy. Yesterday I went hiking, and even though it was a longer drive - it was muchprettier. And even though I'm down in my new room all alone, with nobody to talk to, I can get a lot of studying done, right?
Quickly - here is a shout out to all the best roommates and best friends I've ever had:
Carmen - my best friend of all time

Emily(Slemily)!! Julie(my first roommate)!! Katie-the-roommate-Reeser! Kate!! And Nicki-kiniki. So much fun in this apt - a prank war and late nights...and endless couch cover failures.

Rebekka! She was sent from Heavenly Father just for me, I know it. She's so great.

Rose House ladies - Ashlee (Ashcrack), Marlee (Marlay), Kristen (meine liebe), Skye (totes BFF), and Buffie. Moving into the Rose House was the best decision I ever made. Seriously - these women helped me be happy in a hard time and also (blessing or curse?) taught me how to shop properly and buy grown up clothes! Best memories - floating down the river in the rain, every night dance parties, Gilmore Girls, talking on the stairs, throwing things at people on the roof :)

I need to make some friends!!