My old roommate Kate Mcneil, but now Kate Blocher: (she's the one behind me eating the burger..haha)

started a vegetarian challenge in like high school. Basically you just eat vegetarian for one month and the last week is vegan. A few weeks ago I asked her - "Hey have you done it this year yet?" And she was like "No, let's do it!" So we started on Friday the 10th. We could start at midnight or 6 am it didn't matter, but I decided to start at midnight since I ate
4 hotdogs at our sports night/non-campout night. In the morning I was decided to not eat meat for 30 days! But when I went to a family get-together I mindlessly took a bite out of this
roast beef sandwich. Vann was like - omg, look what you've done! Ha ha, we can "cheat" 3 times in the rules, so I wasn't too worried. But then that night I went on a date and he took me to Cafe Rio and I got a
pork salad. HELLO! Gosh I seriously don't have a brain. I didn't even realize what I was doing until half-way through the salad. Then I just laughed....ha...ha. My other cheat was intentional:
all you can eat sushi with my 3 best friends at Sushi House. We ate 15 rolls. And it was totally worth it. But driving home from dropping off Noemi from the airport today (I'm so sad she's gone...:( ) we went to Rancheritos and I ordered a
chicken quesadilla! Geez, I'm seriously ok with being a vegetarian, it's actually really nice, but it's just really hard for me to remember! Really old habits are hard to break.
And now re-reading this I realize why I'm so fat. Huh.