Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Current Favs
These are a few of my favorite things I want to share:

The first picture above is Joanna Newsom. She's so good - check out her album - Ys.

Second is gang massaman curry. Love that stuff - even though it's like 19 WW points per cup...
Don't forget Bon Iver - changed my life. Skinny Love is my favorite song...

Ok - the Duggar family is kinda freaky and weird...but if you've ever watched the show, they are really good people, even if the dad's name is Jim Bob. My favorite is the mom, she's so nice and good. I want to be like her. But I will never even have 1/3 of the kids she has.

Missy Higgins is a staple. I love her music so much. Listen to Steer, Scar, and Warm Whispers.

The first picture above is Joanna Newsom. She's so good - check out her album - Ys.

Second is gang massaman curry. Love that stuff - even though it's like 19 WW points per cup...

Ok - the Duggar family is kinda freaky and weird...but if you've ever watched the show, they are really good people, even if the dad's name is Jim Bob. My favorite is the mom, she's so nice and good. I want to be like her. But I will never even have 1/3 of the kids she has.

Missy Higgins is a staple. I love her music so much. Listen to Steer, Scar, and Warm Whispers.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This is someone's facebook status
Somebody is now dilated to a 3! Abrielle either decides to come in the next few days or she will DEFINITELY be here on Monday!on Wednesday
Ok ew- please do not describe your cervix to the whole world on facebook...seriously...Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A very Bloggy thank-you
This post is for Ian. He is my friend and a miracle worker. Ian took my computer from me and fixed it like new. It had like 500 viruses and it was really slow and it wouldn't play music or movies. It pretty much sucked...but ya know when things decline slowly, you don't really notice. But Sunday night he took my lappy and by last night it was great. Ian even put all my music back on for me (after wiping the whole hard drive) and put my pictures back, and even put them on cds! He also put Microsoft Office back on...without paying...what the heck?! He's so nice - I can't believe it. I'm so grateful! THANK YOU IAN!! YOU ARE THE BOMB-FO SHEEZY!
Here is a really cheezy picture of us:
Here is a really cheezy picture of us:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I Seriously Have Such Amazing Friends

Yesterday was a really good day. One thing is a suprise so I can't tell - but the other thing I can. Maddy went to the MTC today! Last night she had a massive party at her aunts house. Maddy is so amazing and good - so like a million people showed up. We talked for a while - but not long enough. I'm gonna miss that friend, even though I know I can write her and she'll be back in a year and a half, but still...she doesn't live down the street anymore - and I can't stop by and see her doing something artsy in the HFAC.
But I'm so proud of her! Way to go Maddy - good luck in Joisey!
And Julie is getting married soon! So strange - so exciting.
And look at me...I finally learned how to put in contacts on the first try. Only took me 2 years.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009

Carmen is so good because we are the same size and we can wear each others clothes. So nice. Also she's just like me - so that's good. Right now she's working on her mission papers and I admire her so much for that! GJ! We have a secret language - GJ means good job.
Carmen is a good friend because she makes me want to be better. Like joining WW and running the half marathon. haha BooYah!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Sound of Music
Nostalgia. These are my two best friends - James and Jordan. They are like the coolest funnest best people ever. I met them in 2006. They both left for missions in June 2007. And they are coming HOME THIS JUNE!! I can't believe it. I think it's barely beginning to sink in that they are real people and not just my made up imaginary friends that write me letters...haha. But serisously - we are bosom buddies. Kindred spirits. Yes - boys can be kindred spirits too! I can't wait for them to come home so we can have fun!

Jordan got called to Montreal, QC. French speaking. When he opened the call and saw French - he groaned - because he failed it freshman year at BYU. But now he's like so good at it and stuff. I love Jordan - he's so....Zesty! haha...he's really fun.

James went to Boise, ID - his mom didn't believe him when he opened his call. But he really did get called there - and he loves it. He is Zone Leader and they baptize someone new like everyday. This is a picture of him with some kind of goat...? I love you James!

These are my friends. They're coming home. I have other friends who are leaving (missions/marriages) - mostly girls. Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting on the side lines cheering everyone I love along in their accomplishments and journeys. I like doing that - I just hope I'll have some people in my cheering section someday.

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