Monday, February 9, 2009


This is like my best friend Carmen. She's so great. We've been friends for one year - but we've learned that we have like all the same friends and we even had a class together freshman year! Creepy! Ok she's awesome and I really like this picture of us.
Carmen is so good because we are the same size and we can wear each others clothes. So nice. Also she's just like me - so that's good. Right now she's working on her mission papers and I admire her so much for that! GJ! We have a secret language - GJ means good job.
Carmen is a good friend because she makes me want to be better. Like joining WW and running the half marathon. haha BooYah!


Rebecca said...

Looks like you're having a blast! I love your Mom day! I left you a comment on your 'Get Movin' blog, too.

Carmen said...

thanks Brittney!! I am SOSOSOSOSOSO grateful that I have been able to be best friends with you. I honestly don't know what I would be doing right now without you. GO HALF MARATHONERS!!! haha. we had betta get crackin' :) I Love you bRItt

katelyn marie. said...

can i just say that, this video, made my day.
it was hilarious. nicely done.

Lauren said...

um, that video was hilarious, way to go carm!