Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's!

Well today's lesson is be careful who you give the birdie to. Tonight Julie and I were walking out to the Smith's parking lot after buying some crucial ingredients for a new recipe that I tried - Broccoli potatoe and cheese soup (*delicious!*) and while we were walking out this car almost backed into us....(direct quote from the wise cody anderson "pedestrians don't have the right of way in this state.") anyways, I was a little bit mad that they almost hit us, then in the car going behind us some guy stuck his head out and yelled "hey! get outta the road!" Without hesitation I put out my fist and promptly told the young man he was number one. Then I turned my head and noticed it was my good friend Bryce. Ha ha. Sorry Bryce - just pretend it was an April Fool's joke....?

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