Last night was exciting. Among other things - we decided to go to the hot springs. Me, Carmen, Julie, Mary, and Nicki all piled into J's car and started up the canyon. Carmen and I shared the front seat because we didn't all fit - bad idea. So as J's fwee-ing it up the canyon all of a sudden we see blue and red lights behind us. AH! SOO scary. It is my worst nightmare to see those lights and to have not enough seat belts and too many people in the car. So needless to say my heart was beating like a mo-fo. But J played it cool and the cop went back to his car to write up the ticket. I don't know how he didn't see four legs as J reached for the registration in the glove box. When he came back we sat perfectly still, and I guess he just didn't see me because he gave us directions to Midvale (? Middleton?) and let us go on our was amazing.

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