Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Sound of Music

Nostalgia. These are my two best friends - James and Jordan. They are like the coolest funnest best people ever. I met them in 2006. They both left for missions in June 2007. And they are coming HOME THIS JUNE!! I can't believe it. I think it's barely beginning to sink in that they are real people and not just my made up imaginary friends that write me letters...haha. But serisously - we are bosom buddies. Kindred spirits. Yes - boys can be kindred spirits too! I can't wait for them to come home so we can have fun!

James went to Boise, ID - his mom didn't believe him when he opened his call. But he really did get called there - and he loves it. He is Zone Leader and they baptize someone new like everyday. This is a picture of him with some kind of goat...? I love you James!
Jordan got called to Montreal, QC. French speaking. When he opened the call and saw French - he groaned - because he failed it freshman year at BYU. But now he's like so good at it and stuff. I love Jordan - he's so....Zesty! haha...he's really fun.
These are my friends. They're coming home. I have other friends who are leaving (missions/marriages) - mostly girls. Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting on the side lines cheering everyone I love along in their accomplishments and journeys. I like doing that - I just hope I'll have some people in my cheering section someday.


madeline said...

correction: we met them 2006, they left in '07 and are coming back june of '09. i'm always cheering for you gary. i love ya.

brittna said...

ah! you are right! lol i must fix that...and thanks I love you too.

Shelly said...
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Shelly said...

I LOVE your Blog! It's amazing... your pictures are beautiful.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey girl all my best friends were boys too until I got married and they were afraid to talk to me. Oh well, I LOVE the pictures, you guys must really have fun. Bytheway you are only on the side lines because the hottest guy in the world hasn't found YOU yet. Love you.

Shelly said...

Would you please post your family's Blog Name/URL on my Blog? Thank you- I thought I bookmarked it?!?! =)

P.S. How's school???
