this is old - but still one of my favs
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My favorite thing from today - a piece of Carmen's (Sis. Dunford) letter to Mary (future roommate!):
"i just got her letter like yesterday and it was good!!! it made me miss her SO Much. and im so glad you wrote me again.
will you tell her i say happy birthday two weeks ago and that ithought about her the whole day? thanks. i thinks its the 18th of nov."
ooohhh!!! Carmen....I had a day dream the other day that she got home...and I cried...hahaha...I love my best friend :)
"i just got her letter like yesterday and it was good!!! it made me miss her SO Much. and im so glad you wrote me again.
will you tell her i say happy birthday two weeks ago and that ithought about her the whole day? thanks. i thinks its the 18th of nov."
ooohhh!!! Carmen....I had a day dream the other day that she got home...and I cried...hahaha...I love my best friend :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Some things I'll never get sick of
1. Regina Spektor - Fidelity
I don't really like Regina right now...I saw her in concert and she wasn't very classy...but I'll never get tired of this song...
2. Chinese Food...
Julie and I call it "mall chinee"....I just love chinese food....mmmm
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Best Bday Ever
I can safely say that this has been one of the best birthdays ever! Thanks to all my amazing friends and family :) Here are some fun pictures of my party! (it was actually Andrea's party too...haha but that's ok)

Sometimes my roommates and I pretend like we're on The Hills...go ahead and judge us...
My most fav pic of julie lol

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
New Favorite
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I. hate. poop.
Every time I have to deal with poop, the only thing that goes through my head is "I hate poop. I hate it so much." Why did God even create poop?? It stinks, it gets everywhere - if not handled properly -, it looks disgusting, it can even KILL you.
I've dealt with a lot of poop in my life. I remember my first CNA job, I answered a call light, walked right into the room, and it hit me like a punch in the face. Poop. EVERYWHERE. Poop on the walls, on her necklace, on the inside of her clothes, in the bed, on the get the picture. My first instinct was to run. Run far away, and never return! But, I didn't. Yes, I gagged alot, and i learned how to not breathe through my nose. And I cleaned that lady up, and her room, and I felt a lot better. I bet she did too.
Moral of the story is, yes I hate poop, but it's just a part of life. Even though I still hate it, poop explosions don't even phase me now. Haha...poop.
(James said my blog wasn't interesting, so I decided to blog about something I'm passionate about.)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Miss Kellie
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My sweet-A new job

Hello!! If you haven't heard I got a kick-A bombdiggity new job at the hospital!! I'm so freakin excited. I've been doing orientation for the past few days, and it's been so great. I love Intermountain Healthcare, and I love that they finally hired me.
I'm working on the 7th floor - medical/oncology...lots of sick people :)
So yeah - today I got my H1N1 shot, learned how to use a Darth Vader mask, and learned how to put in foley caths - and I'm feeling invincible, haha.
:) woo hoo!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hee hee ho ho
Today I went on a date to a laughing yoga class. It was really fun! I mean really. I recommend it to everyone, and I want to do it again. I like this video - because we did a lot of the things they're doing! hahaha...
He he ho ho ho...ha ha ho ho ho....
He he ho ho ho...ha ha ho ho ho....
Take 1 1/2 minutes out of your day, just to laugh. It helps you. :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
New Fav
I freaking love the Whip It! soundtrack:
This is freaking awesome:
I wish I could be a professional concert go-toer...ugh!!!
This is freaking awesome:
I wish I could be a professional concert go-toer...ugh!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Texting and Driving Kills! Seriously...
I feel like I should blog about something....
Right now we're all sitting in our class waiting for our professor - he's 20 minutes late. We sent him an e-mail "Hey Mark! We have class tonight...btw...". And he just wrote back "5 minutes away...I'm texting at a red light :)".
The funny thing is that our whole big class project is on developing a social marketing campaign on anti-texting while driving. So our whole class has become strong advocates and researchers on the risks and illegality of texting while driving, but our own professor fully admits that he checks his e-mails and texts while he's driving.
While we're on the subject...I love this class. We held 2 focus groups and they were so cool! I could definitely do this for a a social marketer. We've developed a lot of cool ads that I'll have to put up sometime.
Well...he just walked in...I hope this experience was pleasant for you...haha.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I love the Fall
Ok I started running again! I love running. One time I ran a 5K and this random lady ran with me and talked the whole time...haha she said that you can truly tell if you love running if you smile...or something like that. And I always smile while I'm running, well maybe not the whole time, but I definitely love it.
I love running even more when I have the new MIKA cd to run to - if you don't have it, get it. NOW!
Also - this is my new favorite vid:
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Year 2000 Hairstyles
Julie and I had a girl's night last night - so fun. We were talking about high school and I was like "remember when you used to do your hair....blah blah..." And then she started making fun of MY totally rad hairstyle in highschool...the top of the head slinky bun! Haha - it was totally cool, seriously, everyone loved my hair:

Everyone thinks that 80's hair was bad...but nothing can top the year 2000 Chola half up half down bun with two pig-tail braids on the side....
Don't mess with the chick - with lipliner no lipstick
This vid is for you Juju!
Monday, October 5, 2009

I felt like it was MY conference, every talk was really about me and an answer to my prayers. Awesome.
I'm grateful that I was able to have this weekend to recharge and pray and make some serious decisions in my life. :)
Anyone else have feelings about conference...?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Seize the Day
This little girl is so cool...and she's only 12!
I need some of her spark...
Did anyone watch Community yesterday??
Day Seized!!!
I need some of her spark...
Did anyone watch Community yesterday??
Day Seized!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Epic Saturday

Today was an awesome day!
Slept in till 10. Jordan came over. We biked to The Flower Shop . Bought Tom's Shoes!! I stole like 10 GB of Jordan's music. We ate at the Fortune Cookie Chinese Buffet. Jordan left his wallet there, but the nice man saved it for him, and the Chinese waitress hit on Jordan...haha. Then I watched the game with Vann and Chad - we won! Then James and I went country dancing - so good.
The only thing...Jordan and I got matching shoes...ugh! What's up with that?? I told him I wanted those first, and then he bought Oh well - I love them!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Dr. Cole

Dr. Cole is a professor in my major. I took Infectious diseases and environmental health from him. He's an awesome professor and he has a LOT of experience. Two things I love about Dr. Cole:
1. Everything to him is "a seething pit of disease..." haha
2. His voice...puts me to sleep everytime...maybe not such a good thing - but nevertheless...
Today I was thinking about everything Dr. Cole has taught me, since I'm babysitting a lot now, and I really don't think that he would approve of Cade (2yrs old) constantly playing in Max's (the dog) green water bucket...But sometimes there's nothing I can do...he sneaks outside and dunks his arms, toys, and head right into the moldy dog water.
I was also thinking - does Dr. Cole believe in the 10 second rule...? I doubt it.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Set it Straight
Friday, September 18, 2009
I've done a bad thing...
Since I have no money, I've banned myself from all shopping, since I'm a shopaholic, thanks to Rebekka....and my mother.
But today I went on Etsy, because my old roomie Kate has her very own Esty shop!
She's amazing, I can't believe we're friends....she's like really legit. Buy stuff from her!!
Love you Kate :)
But today I went on Etsy, because my old roomie Kate has her very own Esty shop!
She's amazing, I can't believe we're friends....she's like really legit. Buy stuff from her!!
Love you Kate :)
Ok so we got our "ward menu" aka ward directory via e-mail and look at my picture!!!!!

It's just really funny to me...I mean, look at my HAIR! Just the wind...hahaha. Not gonna lie though, it's not too shabby...haha
It's just really funny to me...I mean, look at my HAIR! Just the wind...hahaha. Not gonna lie though, it's not too shabby...haha
I love the Logan temple

I feel like TAMNers....I haven't blogged " like, forever!"
School has started, I'm taking 18 credits. Yep. We'll see how it goes.
I gotta job, I'm a babysitter twice a week. I guess you could call me a nanny. I love it, it's so fun.
I literally have no money, so I'm trying a new diet, it's called- never buy food and see how long you can survive, and if you don't eat, then you'll lose weight. It's pretty awsome.

Jordan and I saw Joshua James last week, amazing. We also went to Logan to see our BFFs, that was so fun. This weekend I'm doing HW.
Love you all

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Can't sleep - will blog
Well I haven't posted anything about family reunion - so here we go. Every year we have family reunion. This year was especially special since it was my great-grandma's 100th birthday. So everyone came, my Uncle Mark even flew in from Germany. The weather was great, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone. I love my family so much! It's what life is all about. Here are some pictchas!
Great Grandma and her cake
Grandpa jumpin into the pool
Some cool people
Uncle Chris with the PEACHES
On the tradition...
I love this cousin picture...I love all my cousins!
On the tubey tube
Cutest little girl - Kira
Today is my cousin Kathleen's wedding - so pictures of that to come soon. :)

Today is my cousin Kathleen's wedding - so pictures of that to come soon. :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Speedy Spaniard 10K
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Well...since I still technically have no job...I spent all last week in Idaho. It was really really nice. I got to stay with my best friend Jordan and his family. We had a fun 4th of July celebration. Jordan and I also went to a concert and the opera! :) I also got to see my dear friend Nicki - who is leaving for a mission soon...but my camera died so I don't have any pictures of us...:(

Us at the IF fireworks. We found a really good spot on the river RIGHT under where they shoot them off. We heard some lady next to us saying that you usually don't want to sit there because you get ashes on you...well she was right! Ashes - plus other things...haha

We ran in the 5K fun run - boy was that fun...haha

Here's a video I love from fireworks at Rigby Lake...haha Jordan's laugh in the beginning is so funny!

We ran in the 5K fun run - boy was that fun...haha

Here's a video I love from fireworks at Rigby Lake...haha Jordan's laugh in the beginning is so funny!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
This has never happened to me before. BioMedics - the company I work for has closed...and we don't know when it's going to open again. I guess their buyer just isn't paying them, and they can't stay open if they're not getting paid for the plasma that we suck outta people. They're meeting with their legal teams right now so they can get out of the contract with the current buyer and go with a new better one, but they don't know how long that will take - one week...maybe a month...Ugh. My dream job has just let me down - big time! What's a poor girl to do? Literally...we're not getting paid - and I'm flat broke. :(
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Tribute to Tarmen
I love Carmen so much. I will miss her...with every fiber of my being!!! My whole body aches when I think of her being gone for a year and a half....I know in the long run it's not a long time, but from this perspective right now it seems like forever. She is my bestest best friend, ever since I became friends with Carmen life has been so fun and she really has made me a better person. Carmen also has given me confidence in myself that I never had before. She's such a strong person, but at the same time she's vulnerable and approachable. I really know that she's going to be a great missionary, and just knowing her personality - I know she will be the hardest working, most fun, and most beautiful sister out there. <3
Here's a tribute video for her...haha...makes me laugh every time. :)
Here's a tribute video for her...haha...makes me laugh every time. :)
Best Weekend Ever
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Oh Television

All good tv has gone for the I've turned to LOST. I've become obsessed, actually. Has anyone watched it?? It's totally addicting...gah!
On another note...I am seriously so sad about Jon and Kate. But their "announcement" kinda confused me, since they officially said they're separating, but at the very end the screen said that they were going to dissolve their marriage. It's so sad! That was like my favorite show.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ok - Kate's post has inspired me. She just wrote about how she got to take home some gorgeous flowers for free. Everyone on her way home smiled when they saw the flowers, and she loves having them in the house.

Ok I LOVE flowers. I've always said this, and most women probably do love flowers. But I like, LOVE flowers. Having fresh, beautiful, happy flowers on the table just makes me so happy. I love looking at pictures of flowers, reading about them in books, taking pictures of them, painting them even. If someone gives me flowers it's like the best day ever - becuase #1 - flowers are expensive. I mean, if I could buy bread and milk, or flowers...I'd wish I could choose flowers but I'd have to be smart and get something else.

Even sad grocery store flowers make me happy...the ones that don't smell good. My favorite is picking/stealing them from people's yards... :)
p.s I took all of these pictures! Aren't you proud?
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